Business Trip to Poland 2024
*Please understand that as this translation is done using AI, it may not be entirely accurate.Thank you for yo
Podróż służbowa do Polski 2024
*Proszę zrozumieć, że ponieważ to tłumaczenie zostało wykonane za pomocą AI, może nie być całkowicie dokładne.
English Translation Tłumaczenie polskie 2024年6月11日~19日にかけて、ポーランドの首都ワルシャワへ和気香風の山本浩士が出張へ行ってきました。 和氣香風と提携関係にある「Ni
SALUS 6月号に掲載されました
『SALUS 6月号』の特集『疲れたら……休もう!/疲れを癒やす、おこもりアイテム』で、和氣香風が掲載されました。
There is much to see and many more subtleties to perceive when training with Sensei. I feel immensely lucky to have observed.
There is much to see and many more subtleties to perceive when training with Sensei. I feel immensely lucky to have observed.
I continue to be inspired by Hiroshi Sensei and Kaori Sensei’s approach to care
In early 2022, I had the pleasure of visiting Hiroshi Sensei and Kaori Sensei at Kakikofu Clinic as a patient seeking Kampo medicine for stress and digestion.
I highly recommend studying in Japan and specifically with you at Kakikofu.
My current situation is: I am a Licensed Acupuncturist and I live in Portland, Oregon USA and I practice at a very busy acupuncture and herbal clinic called “The WellBridge Clinic”. I see about 10 patients a day mostly for musculoskeletal pain.