Kampo and Shinkyu Clinic Kakikofu

Kakikofu is a traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine clinic specializing in Kampo, Wakanyaku (Japanese herbal medicine) and Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion.
Kakikofu have a wide selection of Japanese and Chinese medicines that can be mixed according to each person’s health condition, and we also offer acupuncture treatments.
Kakikofu accept trainees from Shinkyu(acupuncture and moxibustion) or Kampo(herbal medicine). If you want to learn Kampo medicine in Tokyo, please contact us.
漢方薬店と鍼灸院が一緒になった東京都自由が丘駅の鍼灸 スポーツ鍼院、漢方鍼灸 和氣香風