Kakikofu is a specialized clinic in traditional Kampo medicine that started in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo in 2017.
The clinic is managed by a husband and wife team.
Yamamoto Kaori is an expert in Kampo medicine(漢方and Yakuzen (薬膳) or traditional medicinal food therapy.Yamamoto Hiroshi is a specialist in Shinkyu (鍼灸) or acupuncture and Moxibustion, Seitai (整体 )which is a PNF like treatment, and physical exercises. They are able to address the various illnesses and injuries of their patients.
Kaori of Kakikofu has studied both Kampo and modern TCM and has over 20 years of clinical experience as an expert in Kampo medicine.
Hiroshi utilizes over 40 years of martial arts training to apply chiropractic techniques. He also employs traditional Japanese Kanshin acupuncture.
Furthermore, the couple practices Qigong and holds qualifications as Qigong instructors.
Kakikofu welcomes not only Japanese clients but also many foreign tourists and expatriates. Visitors include those who fall ill during their travels, those wanting to improve chronic conditions, and those simply seeking to maintain their health.
Additionally, the clinic accepts foreign interns who wish to learn about traditional Japanese medicine and has taught numerous students. In particular, affiliated organizations in Poland and Italy invite Kakikofu to teach the theory and techniques of Chinese medicine.
Since you have come all the way to Japan, why not experience the rich tradition of Japanese medicine and the ancient methods of health preservation that have developed over 1000 years, for yourself?